Monday, May 25, 2009

This one is dedicated fully to Twilight! New Moon New Moon New Moon!!!!!!! These are some pictures of them arriving in Italy or Vancouver or whatever. I'm not sure. Don't recognize the bottom picture? That is our beloved Jasper Hale. Well, not really Jasper, it's Jackson Rathbone. He's in a band called 100 Monkeys. Pretty rad. He's still pretty cute, even with his insane hair style. Ashley Greene (Alice) got her hair cut pretty short. Kristen Stewart is amazing. I love how she dresses. Kind of 'i don't care' but in a thought out manner.


  1. New Moon! Can't wait!! Great pictures. Jackson is cool, in spite of that hair :-) I hear it's extremely hot in Italy right now where they're filming. The temp probably went up a thousand degrees when RP landed! ;-)

  2. Jackson is a cutie, but I don't care for the hair. Not my cup o' tea :-) Can't wait for New Moon!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Rad!!! I just wanted to say "RAD!"... I spent over an hour looking at New Moon behind the scenes pix today at work... my boss thinks I didn't get anything accomplished because my computer was acting up... it did act up!
