Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Yeah, so I know that Kay and mom have seen this a billion and one times, but if you think about it, could this picture ever get old? Let me answer that for you guys: NEGATIVE. Never never never shall it get old.
Today I went to see my cousin Peggy in the nursing home for her birthday with mom, Hula, and KAY RANFT! Right there! Anyway, afterward, we went to lunch at BK and met Neil there. Man, that Neil, he's a mole if I've ever seen one.
After lunch, Jill came over and we went to pretentious coffee. It was a nice little outing and the guy behind the counter was quite attractive (not the one in the hat incase you were wondering).
Tomorrow is the day: Lunch w/ granny and coffee shop bible study. YES.
Kelly and Kerry came down today and I thoroughly enjoyed their presence. Kerry and I have the same musical interests I belive.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

What in the universe is going on with you guys?
Random facts of today:
*I'm listening to "Liar" by Three Dog Night right now.
*It rained extra hard today and pretty much flooded the front yard.
*I got new shoes today, and they are pretty.
*I'm gonna work on my English 9 Honors homework before I go to bed tonight.
*Polaroid pictures are the raddest of the rad. Kind of like me... merely joking.
*The power went out for about a half an hour right as we were cooking supper.
*I wrote a bunch today, and now I need to type it up on the computer.
That's enough random facts.
Oh man guys, LBK is gone to Florida and I miss her like no one's business. I'm gonna stop soon, but before I do might I just say how much I'm looking forward to Thursday! Lunch with Granny AND coffee shop Bible study? Too good to be true.
Lots of love,
Sarah sarah sarah

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Yesterday I got back from an amazing trip with my amazing youth group. We rented a cabin up on the mountain and went to a water park. Everyone had a blast, including the bear that made 3 guest appearances and got into our bear proof trash can.
Here's a funny story for you guys! Katelyn and I had gotten split up with LBK and Nicole, so we went back to the chairs since it was almost time to go anyway. We come back to find Matt, John Birdwell, and Travis all asleep on the chairs over their heads. Travis and John weren't deep in sleep; I think they were just laying there. Travis, though, was completely out. Matt kept messing with him, putting his finger in Travis's bellybutton, etc. He didn't wake up. Abby Rhodes had the idea of taking out her eyeliner and wrote 'I <3 Matt' on his chest. It was hilarious, but what made it even funnier was he didn't wake up. Later, when we had to leave Matt finally got him awake.
Anyway, I had a great, great time. I'm a air-hockey champion. 'Tis trueee
Going to watch HP5
Lots of love,

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

These are some random photos. Demi Lovato's album came out yesterday, and it is pretty good. The guy with the guitar is Garbo! I hear Garbo. He plays guitar for JB. The picture of Kevin, Joe, and Nick is of them at their baseball game. GO ROAD DOGS! The other pictures are of rad fireworks at the cambellball game. I wasn't there; I got these off facebook.
Tomorrow I'm leaving for the Mystery Trip!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Helloo friendss!
Today I had the most wonderful time with my truest friend, Jordan. We watched movies all day, then at 7:00 went to go see another one! Before going to her house, Julia, Mom, and I stopped by Blockbuster and rented "The Notebook" and "Australia". The Notebook has to be my new favorite movie. I absolutely adored it. Australia, on the other hand, wasn't so great. It was about 2 and a half hours, and I thought I was going to pull my hair out. Plus, I couldn't really understand what they said because they all had accents and talked fast. It wasn't terrible, though. I've seen worse. After watching the two rented movies, Jordan, Mrs. Maelena, and I went to a pizza place. Gran Gran showed up later and helped out with some laughs (as usual). Then, Granners took us to the movie. Jordan and I saw "My Sister's Keeper" while Gran Gran saw "The Proposal". I wanted to see the "The Proposal" and rent MSK later so I could cry in the comfort of my own home, but I knew she wanted to see MSK. She let me choose, but since I AM a FANTASTIC friend, I chose the movie I knew she wanted. It turned out to be an amazing movie. I really enjoyed it, though I wasn't in the mood for continuously crying my eyes out. It was extremely emotional. I suggest it. Maybe I'll read the book soon.
Tomorrow I'm gonna work on my English 9 homework, and then, at one, Mrs. Carter is going to give me a personal tour of the high school. She's a sweet, sweet lady.

I'm not afraid of anything in creation. I know the Creator.
Lots of love,

P.S. I'm super super sorry, Momm!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

I had a really fun weekend.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

I completely murdered that picture.
My apologies.
So, today is my birthday. Woah. 14. Yea. To me fourteen is just a random age. Ya know what I'm sayin'? Negative? Oh, sorry.
First night of VBS. It was nice. Tuesday I'm in the skit. I think I've already said this in another post. Sorry. I'm just looking forward to it.... kind of.
I wish I had more to right, but right now I'm a little blank.
Bummer, I know.
Lots of love,

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Busy busy day. Late late at night. Work camp, lunch w/ family, workcamp, girl's night. We stayed late at the church so help with the TV made out of wood. You'll just have to see the skit. Oh yeah! I'm in that by the way. With lines. YES! I don't know how I'm going to be able to keep a straight face. The lines are so cheesy and I'm 84.9% sure Travis will make funny faces or something trying to make me laugh. He does a quick interview with me. It'll be great I just know it!
The Wizard of Oz came on today while we were at the side. I saw this pic and I said to myself, "I'll post that on my blog, INDEED!" Well, maybe not the INDEED part, but I thought it would fit in there nicely. I watched about half of the Phantom of the Opera. I wish I could have scene it all..
Much love,
Sarah Catherine

Boom boom booom

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

La la la.
Right now I'm watching Powerpuff Girls. Yea, only I can be this lame and this cool at the same time!
More work camp today. It was fun. Katelyn, Julia, and I completed our painting of the church. I also helped Travis cut out his t.v out of plywood, and I cut some tarp for kid's head to poke through. Of course, I cut out fish and loaves and whatnot! Blah.
I also went to church, saw my loved ones. YES! I created a new blog. You checking it out would be insanely rad! Woah.
Enough for today..... maybe
Lots of love,
Sarah Catherine.

I wore my new shirt tonight. It was nice.

Monday, July 6, 2009

I'm lame for uploading pictures that have nothing to do with my life, but I love these so much I'm doing it anyway. The one with the fireworks was taken by my friend Kacie in Hawaii.
My friend Mandy from polyvore inspired me (without even knowing it) to blog more. I was looking at some of her posts and I said to myself, "I need to start writing more." Yea, so here I am... writing!
Let's go over the past couple of days, shall we?
Saturday: Woah man! My favorite holiday EVER was Sat. July 4th of course. It was cloudy and not hot at all. Weird huh? It's Global Warming. I just know it :P It also rained quite a bit near the night. The cities fireworks were cut off early I think. That's okay, we had fireworks in Kay's backyard. Indeed! We did have some rain delays, though, which I spent with my lovely cousins and Julia. We cuddled... I <3 cuddling. Neil made TWO batched of ice cream this year. Really? Nothing is better than that!
Sunday: Church church church. Mr. Buddy had a delightful sermon. I took notes. Sunday night, Matt taught. He had just got back from Disney an hour ago. I think he was stressed. His lesson was good, though. I adore his child, Ethan. He's one year old and PRECIOUS! Mr. Leddy embarrassed Katelyn from the pulpit. It was funny, and hard to explain. I'll try, though. He said, "Please keep my daughter Katelyn in your prayers as she goes to [some college] for a singing camp." Katelyn doesn't like drawing attention to herself, so she was EXTREMELY embarrassed. I loved it. When the guy who said the prayer came up he said, "Please be with Katelyn as she furthers her singing career." So, after church was over, Travis came up and teased her in his gay voice (which is hilarious by the way). "Hey, Katelyn. Congratulations with your singing career." Travis picks on Katelyn a lot. Really, she sets herself up for it. Such an easy target!
Monday (today): I read THRITY whole pages in my book. I'm almost done!!! with the book at-least. I should finish it tomorrow or the next day. Dad took us in a ride in his rental car. He's going on a business trip during my b-day. Urggg...
All this week we are having VBS work camp, which I'm looking forward to. We have skits and crafts to prepare for! I'll make a video of everything and post it here (hopefully, I've been having trouble lately).

Reminisce to the 4th of July last year. Two, dead, mating squirrels got zapped on a power line. This is for you Ann. I will have some close ups for you later for that polyvore set....

It took me like an hour to upload the rest of these picture!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Pictures from my Indiana trip. It's late right now. I'll write more details and whatnot later. My camera is not uploading videos right now, and, I'm not gonna lie, it's ticking me off. I just semi-french braided my hair. It was a spontaneous decision. I don't even know how to french braid hair, and I just started doing it like five seconds ago.